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About Me

I have always loved a good BBQ.  And then someone showed me how to cook over a fire with a Dutch Oven, and so began my love of cooking with cast iron.

Some of the recipes here originated on my camping blog, MustGoCamping.  But the cooking section on that site eventually turned into BBQandCastIron.

You will still find information about cooking some of these recipes over a fire, or over charcoal on a camping trip.  But on this website, you will also find recipes that are just as happy in a cast iron skillet or an enameled Dutch Oven in your kitchen.

Like many people, I also eventually began looking for old cast iron pieces, and restoring them.  There is a certain amount of satisfaction in rescuing an old rusty pan, finding out it’s history, and bringing it back to live as a usable antique.

I am always learning about how to identify antique cookware.  And each piece gives me a little more insight into how to clean and restore them.  This site is also home for bits of information I learn, and resources I use to help bring the antiques I find back to life.  Of course, bringing them back to life means you have to find something good to cook in them!  So enjoy the food, and the antiques.  And feel free to leave a message about your own recipes or cast iron adventures.